One Year Out!

on 9/17/15 3:38 pm, edited 9/17/15 3:46 pm

Before I started this journey, I had written out a list of things I wanted to do that I wasn’t physically able to do because of my weight. I put it into a little book to be able to look back on as I travelled through this journey. I realized the other day when I was getting checked in for my doctor’s appt with my surgeon, that I began this journey a year ago. One year ago, on Sept 7, 2014 I weighed in at 355 pounds. I had surgery on Dec 31, 2014 but put myself on the pre-surgery diet in Sept. Today I weigh in at 217 pounds. In one year I have lost 138 pounds. That is (in some cases) an entire adult person! I look back at the last year and realize there were many ups and downs along the way, but so many more ups than I can count. I look at my list of reasons to have surgery and there were 27 things on the list and several items I have been able to check off my list:

*I can walk up stairs now! It doesn’t hurt and doesn’t get me out of breath to do it.

*I’m no longer borderline diabetic, blood pressure is good, and cholesterol is good. I will be able to talk to my PCP about getting reduced or off some meds all together.

*I can hike in the woods with the kids and grandkids. My husband now has a hard time keeping up with me.

*I played on the playground with my grandson at his birthday party! We had a blast! I got to ride on a swing! I actually FIT into the swing!

*My back pain is getting better, I can stand in one place for longer at a time without things hurting.

*I can get out of lower chairs, I can squat and get back up without help and without falling flat on my face.

*I am doing kickboxing! And I LIKE IT!! That’s a term I never thought I’d ever say! It’s allowing my inner athlete to come out. I’m even developing muscles again!

*I can cross my legs again! I did it without even realizing it one night. Then I even found myself sitting cross-legged (indian style) in my chair!

*I can fit in the back seat of a car with the car seat installed, AND do up my seatbelt!

*I can fit into normal sizes of clothes now. I even bought a size “large” cardigan and it fits great! Old Navy even has clothes I can fit into now. Normal sizes! No longer 3x – 4x!

*I can breathe easier. I haven’t had to use my rescue inhaler in quite a while now.

*I ordered a couple of bathing suits on line. I’m waiting for them to show up so I can see if they fit. I will go swimming in a real suit soon!

*I showed my husband a picture of me and my daughter from a 5K walk we did and it took him a while to realize that I was showing him a picture of ME! He didn’t recognize me!!

*My husband can also put his arms all the way around me now. What a nice feeling that is!

*I have collar bones now! And shoulder bones!

I have been able to live my life more fully now. I’m so glad I have my life back! I’m excited to see what the next year will bring!

on 9/17/15 4:32 pm - Lancaster, PA
RNY on 01/22/15

Congratulations!! I love that you kept a list!! It's a great aspirational NSV goal for everyone. Wonderful!

on 9/18/15 11:26 am

Thanks!  It was great looking thru my little book yesterday while putting some new stuff into it.  It helps to see where I came from!

on 9/17/15 6:17 pm - NH

Thank you for sharing!!!  How awesome and inspiring to us pre-ops!

HW: 280 SW: 270. CW: 190. Goal: 140

Lap Band: 10/2007 Insurance Approval: 10/19/15 Revision to RNY: 11/2/15

Preop -10 M1 -26  M2 -19  M3 -10  M4 -11  M5 -3  M5  -4  M6 .. Too tired to do the math, but slow




on 9/18/15 11:27 am

I know it seems like the process takes forever while you are having to play the waiting game, but I can't believe how fast this last year has gone!  You will be there soon too!  Keep on truckin'!!

on 9/18/15 8:44 am - MN
RNY on 05/07/15

Thank you for sharing!  I love this list. 

HW: 276 SW: 254.1 GW: 125 CW: 154.5


on 9/18/15 11:28 am

Thanks!  As I was looking thru my book yesterday and saw my list from before surgery, I was really surprised how many things I can "check" off my list!  So fun to be able to do that now!
